

社会工作学士学位课程, 布雷西亚大学的目的地项目之一, is designed to provide an efficient and high quality delivery of social work theory and practice courses. This online degree opportunity provides degree-seeking 学生 with the knowledge required for 成为一名社会工作者,以及实际应用的机会. 你现在就可以开始攻读BSW学位了! Brescia University has five start dates a year, January, March, May, August and October.

2016-2017年度最佳在线社会工作学位完成你的 公共服务副主任获得社会工作学士学位 社会工作硕士 在线学位从头到尾都不需要踏足校园!

Brescia Online’s Bachelor of Social Work program was ranked 27th best Online Bachelor of Social Work Programs for 2016-17 by 平价在线大学. 学校在可负担性方面的平衡组合得到了认可, 学术严谨, 支持和灵活性.

用布雷西亚完成你的旅程 社会工作硕士 online degree; it teaches the advanced skills needed by social workers across the country and prepares you to take leadership roles within your working environment.

的 社会工作学士学位 online program from Brescia University offers:

  • 灵活的课程
    课程是为成人学生设计的, enabling qualified 学生 to complete a degree in as little as two years.
  • 可购性
    的 Bachelor of Social Work online degree at Brescia University is offered at an affordable price. Federal and state financial aid is available to those 学生 who qualify.
  • 认证程序
    的 社会工作及教育委员会 has accredited Brescia University’s Bachelor of Social Work Program.
  • 成人友好校园
    布雷西亚大学一直走在以成人为中心的教育的前沿. Adult 学生 receive exceptional service as they complete their degrees at Brescia University.

的 Bachelor of Social Work online program provides a way for individuals who are seeking employment in the field of human services or a related area to complete their bachelor’s degree in social work and prepare them for further graduate studies.

A degree in social work is useful for a career in child protective and aging population services, 扶贫项目, 修正, 刑事司法和许多其他类似领域. A degree in social work will make you very employable in any one of many human services agencies.

的 Bachelor of Social Work degree courses articulate the competency expectations of the 社会工作及教育委员会. 另外, nontraditional 学生 taking the courses for general education requirement (GER) credit will gain a basic understanding of social work as a profession.

For 学生 who have already met the minimum GER of Brescia University and who have 81 transferable credits (21 in 300-400 level courses), 该课程可以在大约两年的时间内完成. Those who have not met these requirements may take longer to complete the degree. 的 online social work program also assists in providing GER credit for those 学生 who meet the criteria for taking online courses at Brescia.





Overall employment of social workers is projected to grow 7 percent from 2022 to 2032, 高于所有职业的平均水平. 2022年5月,社会工作者的平均年薪为55350美元. For more information about the different careers in social work and a career profile, click 在这里.


查看的综合列表 各州社会工作许可机构.